Sunday, March 18, 2007

What about Brian?

I just have to say: how good is this show?!!!!! I have been watching this for a few weeks as it is on Sunday nights at 9:30 (after Grey's Anatomy) and it is really good! Of course it is not as clever as Prison Break or Heroes but for a show that was barley advertised at all this is a real beauty. I find this a very easy show to watch and quite entertaining and looks at some interesting relationships. For those that haven't seen it, it is about a guy who is in love with his best friend's girlfriend but cannot have her. If you want a light drama this is the one for you! Hope I don't sound like some sort of network marketer!

I was thinking tonight about the rules of dating and what are the rules of dating your friend's ex gf/bf? Some would say this is a no no but others would have no problem with it. Personally I think that if my friend dated my ex soon after I broke up with her I would be rather pissed! So I think it is a time issue. After a few months maybe it becomes more acceptable. It would also depend on the feelings of your friend and whether they still have feelings for their ex.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The David Hicks Saga

The David Hicks case has been in the news a bit lately and has been going on for far too long in my opinion. The Australian government seems to be finally getting more involved, which may be a surprise to some, but not considering the imminent election.

It appears that many people have assumed Hicks guilty based on what they have seen or heard in the media. We keep seeing the picture of him on TV holding a rifle, which does not help his case. People are quick to judge without looking at all the evidence.

I think it is a disgrace that it has been going on for five years and still no trial. Hicks has been kept in appalling conditions, and regardless of whether he is guilty or not, his basic human rights have been violated. One must ask – how many people have had similar atrocities been inflicted upon?

Edit: (I did not include the following paragraph in my letter)

We need to ask why hasn’t he had a trial yet? Who is to blame? Of course the Bush government is at fault but have the American people protested? Does anyone care that so many people are treated like animals in the so called ‘free world’?

The Howard government has avoided the issue for far too long and it will be a welcome relief, if and when he gets voted out of power. At present it seems impossible for Hicks to get a fair trial, as both governments would look frivolous if Hicks is found innocent. We can only hope that some action is taken soon to get Hicks out of the current situation.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Some good viewing for 2007

I have watched a few episodes of Heroes recently, (I downloaded them) and can see why it is so popular in the States. Although it is well made I think it lacks the character development that shows like Prison Break and Lost are able to achieve. It does have good character development just not as good as other shows.

Prison Break and Lost both focus on particular characters on each show and give background on their lives. This is partly what makes them such great viewing. They are also very suspensful which keeps the viewer watching. I also find Heroes a bit confusing. There are two guys with longish black hair of similar nationalites and it makes it confusing in the first few episodes when you are trying to figure out who is who. One of them is a mathematician whose father was killed because of his research. There also seems to be a few other characters whose fathers have died.
All in all Heroes is a good show.

My recommendations for 2007:

  • Prison Break - Brilliantly written, great acting, great direction
  • Lost - Very suspensful.
  • Heroes - looks like a winner.
  • Nip Tuck - I have seen the first three seasons and this show really holds your attention with it's twists and turns
  • Veronica Mars - Quite a clever show, from the creaters of Dawson's Creek, only this show is much more interesting.
  • The O. C. (although I just read this has been axed :( )
  • The Simpsons (of course)
  • Family Guy
  • American Dad (One of the funniest animated series - created by the Family Creators)
  • House

My predictions for good new shows:

  • Brothers and Sisters
  • Ugly Betty
  • The Con Test
  • Australia's Got Talent
  • Teen Fat Camp
  • 1 Vs 100

Friday, January 05, 2007

Life in Melbourne

Well I've been in melbourne about six months now its time to write something about life here.
One thing people talk about no matter what city or country they are in is the weather. When I came back from Christmas in Canberra the other day I noticed that it's quite a bit hotter at home here than home in canberra. Perhaps this house gets a little hotter but I think mainly Melbourne feels hotter as it is at a lower altitude.

As for getting around Melbourne I like driving because there are so many places to do U-turns! Not like Sydney where you can drive for ages without being able to turn easily. Melbourne has buses and trains too which I occasionally catch, but not too often. I think this town, like most Australian towns, is still not designed well enough for people to rely solely on public transport.

I am yet to explore the beaches much here and still have seen much countryside. I will make that my aim - to explore the natural part of this strange land.

Here's some photos I took a few weeks ago.

Punks in the city

City - slightly editted.

Busy street.