Friday, April 21, 2006

Brisbane trip to the Scrabble Nationals

This year I really enjoyed the Nationals. I probably say that every year but I had more fun this year. Firstly I met lots of interesting people. That's what Scrabble tournaments are really about - meeting people. People i've heard of or played on the internet. I met Peter Kougi whom I have played alot with. He's a top bloke. I met Julie Brice whom looks better in person that her picture. She did well as expected. I also met Quentin Abbott who is suprisingly cool for Scrabble. We didn't chat that much though. Susan mentioned that Scrabble attracts socially inept people. I agree with that somewhat but surely some must be socially ept.

This was my first experience of staying in a backpackers by myself, which was fun. I met a german guy the first night who was about 37 but looked younger, and then a german girl the second night who was very attractive and reminded me of Nardia - a girl I used to work with and really liked. She was quite flirty and was changing when I walked into the dorm. I forgot it was a mixed dorm. Sadly I didn't get to chat to her again for I was playing Scrabble the whole time.

I also met an English guy from leads who is a civil engineer. So we chatted about engineering and life, and he seemed to use the phrase "Bog standard" a lot.

At the tournament I had a couple of funny stories/anecdotes. On the game next to me between David More and Jan Serisier David played the word Fucker and Jan challenged. The helper that came over couldn't have been much older than five years old and she told him to go away. So then she got Wilma to take the challenge slip.

I finished 1 half a win more than my last Nationals so I gained a few rating points. As always I would like to do better but it was still great fun.

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