Sunday, February 05, 2006


Warning: Some may find the following words offensive.

These words are courtesy of

AUTOBITCH - To effortlessly slip into an angry, ranting mode, usually for a set purpose. Similar in meaning to insta-bitch but typically self-referential, unapologetic, and non-derogatory.

e.g., If he calls me that one more time, I'll going into autobitch mode. That'll teach him not to fool with me, the fool.

MOTHER BITCH - Exclamation of frustration, or an insult. Common among Russian Mafia youths, adapted to North American usage by yelling it at video games or sporting events.

e.g., Ah, Mother Bitch!

BITCHOLOGY - Bitching taken to such a high level it could be considered a science.

e.g., What's the matter with Steve? I didn't know he had a degree in bitchology.

E-BITCH - To send a complaint to a company's web site, via the "contact us" button. Not important enough to generate actual paper mail--that would require substantial effort: envelope, stamps, post office, etc.

e.g., The product delivered was inferior to what was advertised, so I e-bitched to their web site.

INSTA-BITCH - Referring to the ability to instantly turn into a true bitch. Also for a person who can turn into a bitch with the least bit of provocation or for no provocation at all.

e.g., One minute she was happy and in a good mood. Next thing I knew--and for no detectable reason--she had become became an insta-bitch

B.I.T. - Bitch In Training. Preteen or teenage female with way too much attitude.

e.g., My kid sister has become a B.I.T. since she turned thirteen.

U.F.C. - Unregistered Fat Chick. A bitchy overweight girl. Any nice fat girl would have her Registered Fat Chick license.

e.g., Molly is a real U.F.C.

BEBAHAMA - Bitch behind my back.

e.g., Bec is a bebahama.

BEECH - When you want to call someone a bitch but not mean it.

e.g., Beech! Why you take my soda!

BIATCH - Use in polite company in place of bitch. Pronounced "bee-itch."

e.g., See that biatch over there? She dumped me last week.

BIZNITCH - 1. For use when either bitch is inappropriate or when one wants to feign an urban vernacular. 2. Business.

e.g., 1. That homework you gave us for the weekend was a real biznitch, Professor Hall. 2. Mind your own biznitch, biznitch.

BOFH - Bastard Operator From Hell. {?Bitch Operator From Hell as well?} Basically, a BOFH is computer support person with no desire to actually help or support users. All she wants is smply to make her own existence as easy as possible. This term is an older internet favorite, from the long running series of humor articles credited to and copyrighted by Simon Travaglia. The first known BOFH post appears in the Google Usenet Archive, June 1992. For current articles, see The Registef.

e.g., User: I need some more free space in my home directory. BOFH: (deletes existing files) Allrighty. Just freed up some room for you. User: OK, thanks. Goodbye. . . . Where are my old files?

CHICH - A gal of the world, intelligent, hip, and ubercool. Note: Does NOT refer to chick or bitch, but may be a subconscious synthesis of the two.

e.g., To be said only to a close friend: "What's up, my chich?"

CYNASM - Crossbreed between cynicism and sarcasm, because sometimes the difference between the two is marginal.

e.g., Aren't we behaving like a cynastic bitch today ?

SONOMA - A way of saying "son of a bitch." Son-o-ma.

e.g., Sonoma! Why did you do that?

SLAP-YOUR-MOTHER-FABULOUS - Used to describe something extraordinary.

e.g., This website is slap-your-mother-fabulous.

CYBERSLUT - Someone who uses the internet a lot

e.g., She's a total cyberslut, constantly online.

EMAIL SLUT - 1. Someone who checks her email more often than once every 15 minutes, especially at work. 2. Someone who will do anything to get as much email as possible.

e.g., Chris is quite the email slut. He gets about 150 emails a day.

LINKSLUT - Someone who does anything to get someone else to link to her.

e.g., If I ever set up my own website, I may become a linkslut myself.

RELATIONSLUT - A relationship-junkie incapable of surviving life as a single. Characterised by an over-willingness to settle for any lifeform with two legs and a pulse. Can often be located in cheap pubs and under damp bridges dissecting what went wrong with the previous relationship. Habits include confiding in nearly every stranger who passes by, in hope of receiving an illuminating piece of advice that will instantaneously solve all self-created problems.

e.g., Why, yes, a blow-up doll is a perfect substitute until you find another boyfriend. And no, honey, you aren't a relationslut.

SLUTCH - Slutty bitch. A promiscious girl with a bad attitude.

e.g., What a slutch Charlene is. How else could she have stolen Jack from me?

SLUTHER - A woman who slithers in and out of beds easily, like a snake; literally, slut (=) her.

e.g., She was a sluther, and her slim frame aided in her favorite pastime. The sluther will slither through many beds, picking their occupants clean as she goes.

SLUTPOP - A musical genre that includes pop acts such as those of the scantily dressed Britney Spears and Christina Aguleira.

e.g., My slutpop collection is growing now that I just bought the new "DREAM" CD.

SLUTZIGNA - Any completely useless game, website, book, etc.

e.g., That website you told me about is slutzigna!

SOPHISTASLUT - Someone who looks very formal, businesslike, and sophisticated, but has this additional slutty je ne sais quoi that makes you just wanna.... (What? Eat a hamburger?)

e.g., Did you see that woman in the office today? The sales rep for Victoria's Secret? Now that was one fine sophistaslut. (That's the kind of office I'd want to work in. One where a Victoria's Secret sales rep would call.)

TEXT SLUT - One who carries on text conversations with more than one person at the one time.

e.g., Are you texting someone else right now? You're such a text slut.

BIMBICIDE - "the killing of blonde, slutty and/or intellectually challenged minor characters in teen slasher films."

HOOCHIFY - To dress oneself provocatively, as for a date or nightclub.

e.g., I'm going out tonight, so I'd better get myself hoochified. Otherwise, the guys may not realize what a cheap slut I am.

SCRUT - A cross between a Skank, and a Slut

e.g., Look at that dirty Scrut

SKANKASAURUS - An extremely slutty or trashy girl, usually skankily clad.

e.g., Did you see the skankasaurus Chris is going with?

SLAPPER - an alternative word for a slut

SLEPPY - Slut+preppy, a word my boyfriend and I created to describe the crowd at this chain bar Fado.

e.g., The rolled up J. Crew shirt with the low-rise khakis really completes the sleppy look on that sorority girl at the bar.

SLORE - A slut, tramp, or prostitute. Origins self-explanatory. Not to be confused with Sloar, a creature defined by Louis Tulley from Ghostbusters.

e.g., Michael's new girlfriend is just a slore. Just look at how she dresses.

SOROSTITUTE - A physically attractive female who looks as if she may belong to a sorority, while at the same time being dressed like a complete slut. A true sorostitute would wear a low-cut halter top and a short, tight skirt in the middle of wintertime.

e.g., she looks pretty good in that tight shirt and short skirt, but look at the way she's looking at us. Like we're not fit to look at her. Just a snooty sorostitute.

THIRLUT - A roughly thirteen-year-old who dresses like a slut. A scantily clad eleventeener.

e.g., I went to the mall and it was crawling with thirluts.

USER FRIENDLY - Used to describe a person who is "easy," or slutty.

e.g., I'm guaranteed to get some tonight, because that girl looks very user friendly.

SQUELCH - A promiscuous male, a male slut.

e.g., Roddy is a squelch.

STOUF - Synonym for whore, prostitute, slut.

e.g., That girl over there is a stouf.

SLAGIFIED - A person who dresses in a slutty way.

e.g., Do I look slagified in this?

BOOG - Affectionate name for someone constantly on the go or who has to be in the middle of anything going on. (Shortened form of "little booger" or "little bugger"?)

e.g., Mother talking about her mischieveous son, "Have you seen my little Boog?"

BOOBIETUBE - A baby's eyewitness term for point of origin of mother's milk--nipple.

e.g., The boob tube feeds the mind, whilst the boobietube feeds the face..

HOBSKANK - An extremely seductive, sexy teenager with strong tendency towards alcoholic beverages.

e.g., Lauryn, you are such a hobskank.

SKANKALOUS - Something you aren't supposed to be doing, because the situation is skanky; filled with skanks.

e.g., That party was skankalous; I can't believe she invited those people.

SKANKIFIED - To be changed from a nice normal young girl into a skanky ho.

e.g., When Liana started going out with that pimp, she got thoroughly skankified.

SKANKLE - Any word that one writes in one's notes while falling asleep during a lecture.

e.g., Ooh, look. I came up with new skankle in government today.

SKANKTOPOTOMUS - A fat hooker.

e.g., Look at the hooker on the corner--that's one very big skanktopotomus.

TOILET GATE - To stand outside the bathroom door and bang on it offering such helpful encouragement as Aren t you done yet? and What are you doing? Writing a book?

e.g., Back off bitch! Don t toilet gate me; I just got here.

MAGGOTRY - Low-crawling scum of society that stoop below the normal rednecks and bums of humanity. More or less a term of venery.

e.g., Sam refused to mingle with the maggotry at the bus stop. Ray was disappointed in the lack of attention.

MAGAXENOPHILIA - Love for the pretentious act of conspicuously placing a foreign-language periodical in plain view (usually whilst at a coffee shop) for the sole purpose of looking cosmopolitan. Not to be confused with someone actually trying to learn or understand the language.

e.g., It took only two questions to realise that it was magaxenophilia, not a love of the culture, that had caused the Afrikaans Times to accidentally fall out of her bookbag. She later confessed that she wasn't exactly sure where Afrikaansas was, but she thought it might be somewhere "in the West." Anyway, she was sure it was one of the flyover states.

MALLING - To go shopping at the mall.

e.g., Let's go malling. I want to check out the sales.

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