Monday, December 26, 2005

Everyone sure looks excited. Well maybe. Posted by Picasa

Tim relaxing. Posted by Picasa

My dad and I. Yay Simpson's scrabble! Posted by Picasa

The cat looking at something exciting. Posted by Picasa

The mess left after lunch. Posted by Picasa

I put my party hat on real well. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Singapore government is deluded

Singapore's decision to execute Nguyen Tuong Van for drug trafficking is immoral and without reason.

The Singaporean government dish out death penalty for drug crimes that are pale in comparison to crimes of murderers and paedophiles. The method they use to kill people of hanging, is also very old fashioned and seems like the dark ages to me. The electric chair isn't much better, in fact I am sure it is probably worse. A simple injection would be the best option, but countries like Singapore simply don't care about things like that. Perhaps be killed would be better than be jailed for life but the government still should not have to right to kill whoever they like.

Reasons why Nguyen shouldn't be executed:

Fact 1

Killing people for single, small offences is wrong and will not deter drug syndicates from trafficking. It will simply push up the price of drugs and make the industry more profitable for those at the top.

Fact 2

Nguyen did not have a record of drug trafficking and should have been give more leniency than a drug boss, or murderer! The sentence simply does not fit the crime.

Fact 3

Nguyen was transporting drugs from Cambodia to Australia and was just passing through Singapore, (however stupid that may be.) He should be tried in Australia not Singapore.

Fact 4

Singapore have ridiculous punishments like death for carrying a weapon whilst committing robbery. This is a good deterrent but is simply inhumane and draconian. Singapore should cut there ties with Myanmar (Burma) if they want to cut down on the drugs being imported.

Uni Almost Finished

With my degree almost complete, the job hunt begins. I went in to the careers centre the other day and chatted to the lady there. She gave me some ideas about approaching companies and making contacts. I also updated my resume and started applying for a few jobs. I got a response from GHD in Newcastle and they gave me a phone interview. After some tricky questions they said that they were looking for someone more in the area of project management and that I seemed like I was more interested in design. They said they would pass on my resume. It was an interesting interview though. The hardest questions are the most general ones. Like describe a problem and how you solved it.
On another note here's a problem I have not solved fully yet. My right arm has been quite sore for a while now. Hopefully when I see the doctor he will have some good advice. Damn RSI.